Bdollar$mart was created by two financial professionals with over 60 years of combined experience within the financial industry. After years of frustration, they were at their wit’s end. They faced a multitude of challenges, such as:
As with anything else, dissatisfaction is the mother of inspiration.
With the struggle to attract new clients and with the attention span of clients dwindling, they were committed to finding a solution. ‘There HAS to be a better way!’ was their mantra back in 2016. After years of brainstorming, development, and testing, Bdollar$mart was born.
Shortly after Bdollar$mart was developed, they gave access to their team and got tremendous success from the very start. As they kept getting successful results, more and more financial professionals started requesting access. To continue serving clients and fulfilling their calling, they sold Bdollar$mart to LT3 Innovations Inc., which continued the mission and vision they have always dreamed of. Today, Bdollar$mart is used by thousands of financial professionals and has helped tens of thousands of clients.